A genética e epigenética do meu nome

(Corpo d’Escrita - Escrita Criativa a partir de reflexões feministas - Texto I) “Caetana?!!! Ai coitadinha… mas onde é que os pais tinham a cabeça para dar um nome desses à sua criança?!” – questiona, incrédulo, o Dr. Américo, perante a estudante de Medicina que se apresenta à sua frente, prestes a iniciar estágio no seu serviço. … Continue reading A genética e epigenética do meu nome

O dia em que esbarrei com A Gorda

Mal de mim, que tenho uns olhos míopes que adoram ler. Adoro entrar em novos mundos, viajar sem levantar o rabo do sofá, rir e chorar sozinha com esta ou aquela personagem. No entanto, não sou particularmente fã de fazer desse meu terrível hábito para a saúde ocular, um assunto. Não frequento clubes de leitura, … Continue reading O dia em que esbarrei com A Gorda

Changing health behaviours – World AIDS Day

Changing habits and unhealthy behaviours is not easy. Why would you go for a walk if the couch is comfortable and the house is warm? Why would you eat vegetables if chocolates taste better? And why would a smoker decide to quit if nicotine has such a soothing effect over the anxiety of rushing, busy, … Continue reading Changing health behaviours – World AIDS Day

An intimate attic facing the beach, a luxury rally tracked city and a talkative old lady on a bus – Côte d’Azur, Monaco and the Italian Riviera in review

Yes, I am one of those girls who’s into star signs. The kind that will ask you for your birthday AND EXACT TIME OF BIRTH on a first date. Exactly, I am that annoying. And being into star signs makes me deeply appreciate my solid group of piscean friends: loyal, endlessly curious and hopelessly trapped … Continue reading An intimate attic facing the beach, a luxury rally tracked city and a talkative old lady on a bus – Côte d’Azur, Monaco and the Italian Riviera in review

Let’s talk about sexual boredom

Sexual boredom was defined by Watt and Ewing in 1996 as “the tendency to experience boredom with the sexual aspects of life, a distinct form of disliked experience, with characteristics unique to itself”. Even though the loss of sexual interest and sexual boredom have been reported to be important causes of sexual infidelity and of … Continue reading Let’s talk about sexual boredom

Hua Mulan

Back in a day of 1998 Some 4-year-old girl Western, white, still free of hate Met Mulan, that emotional swirl. How could she ever Not be profoundly shaped By that girl, so brave and clever That from the system had escaped. Why can’t a girl fight? Why can’t she handle a sword? As if the … Continue reading Hua Mulan

“Come as you are”, and come whenever, however and with whoever you want

My thoughts on Emily Nagoski's book "Come as you are" First of all, I find it important to mention how this book has changed my life (and how it would have changed it even more if I had read it sooner!). It consists of the perfect intersection between sharing scientific knowledge and having an intimate, … Continue reading “Come as you are”, and come whenever, however and with whoever you want

So what now?

I get asked this question a million times. Invariably, I don’t know how to answer. So. What. Now. What made me be where I am now. Motivation seems to owe A lot of explanations To the most and even least curious. Learning something Just for the sake of knowledge Seems like a waste of time. … Continue reading So what now?

(Un)Follow your dreams

Follow your dreams, they say If they’re not too artsy, okay? On the stage of life, full of actors There is already Enough role-play. Follow your dreams, they say Only if mastering a language Is not your aim You don’t need different ways To say the same. Follow your dreams, they say Putting aside those … Continue reading (Un)Follow your dreams

May March bring its Spring

May those who belong in the kitchen Submissive hearts of stainless steel Kick every single woman out of there. May the kids with a cold From under the bedsheets Ask their dads to stay home. May those who hire Care more about skills Than they care about kids. May the old ladies of the village … Continue reading May March bring its Spring